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From the Desk of The Congress President      

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Dr. Levell Bass

Congress President

Sixth Avenue  MBC

1401 E. 6th Street

Pine Bluff, AR  71601

Church: (870)210-2993 

Cell: (870)550-1717

The mandate of God's Word sets forth the rationale for developing effective programs of Christian Education, both locally and cooperatively among churches(Matthew 28:19-20). It is evident that one of the greatest needs of our local fellowship is a sufficient number of adequately trained persons to lead the various aspects of the church's ministries. This need can be fulfilled only through a planned program of Christian Education.  In response to this biblical mandate, the goal of the  Congress of Christian Education will be to develop opportunities for its constituency to obtain increased knowledge of God's Word and training for lay and professional leaders in the church through cooperative efforts. 


 In response to this biblical mandate, the goal of the  Congress of Christian Education will be to develop opportunities for its constituency to obtain increased knowledge of God's Word and training for lay and professional leaders in the church through cooperative efforts. Our redesigned education component offers workshops and courses facilitated by speakers and leaders who are prominent voices of cutting edge thought and implementers of social change within the Black community.  The Christian Education program will be shaped to ensure that laypersons and pastors are offered courses that lead to relevant and transformative ministry. 


The District's Congress of Christian Education will assist members of its churches to: develop leaders who can discharge their responsibilities with skill, confidence, and competence: develop more efficient programs of Christian Education through cooperative study at the local church level; Create a cadre of trained instructors to provide educational leadership and training opportunities both at the district and local levels; and provide a means by which individual persons may obtain mastery in chosen fields of study related to the work of the Church.



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